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Meet John


John’s passion has always been to repair rather than replace and he is intrigued in the manner in which things work. John has a technical education learning the trades, which gave him the ability to tackle most tasks from woodwork through to mechanical, engineering and metal work. John started his working life as a 19-year-old in a textile business and has been involved with the one company for over 53 years. Today SonataCare, where John is the Managing Director, has a focus of supplying ready-made product to the medical and aged care industry.


John’s hobbies are numerous and varied….from fly fishing, camping, wood-turning, playing music or writing poetry. The latest passion is creating perfect metal legs for the many Bushman Dave customers.


John is driven by the need to pass on his knowledge to those around him, which is why we love him on the team so much!!




I just love fixing things and make them work again, especially old things - from radios to radiators. The positive feedback we get gives me the inspiration to continue to create custom pieces for someone else.


Bushman Dad.


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